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Hi, I'm Sid.
I like understanding why we make decisions and building systems to help us make better ones.

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About me

My day job is working as a software engineer, preferring to work on products over platforms. I spend a lot of time thinking about decision-making from the perspective of internal change and harmonizing our inner and outer worlds. I write about my reflections on these topics at Harmonic Decisions.

I also write Two Feet In The Boat, an email newsletter about synthesizing my quest for spiritual absorption with the realities of day-to-day life, inspired by the exorbitant amount of time I've spent with monks. Some other cool things I've done: teach an annual seminar for MBA students, travel the country selling pasta for a summer, hand model, cater events as a private chef, and crash multiple weddings.

Jan 2024 - Present
Jan 2022 - May 2023
Nov 2019 - Jan 2022
Jun 2018 - Nov 2019


Right now, I'm working at CapitalOne. My last job was at Square, where I worked on software systems that send money across various countries and payment methods. Before that, I was at The New York Times, building tools for SEO editors and building out The New York Times App for Slack to help The Gray Lady win the news cycle. Before that, I worked for Amplify Education, building tools for other software engineers to use. A lot of those tools were made open source, racked up millions of downloads, and featured in blog posts.

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Fordham University
Masters of Science, Applied Statistics and Decision Making
Rochester Institute of Technology
Bachelors of Science, Computer Science



sid [dot] nutulapati [at]


New York, New York, USA